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Apache Kafka: Hands-On Training

Course Overview

This course provides hands-on experience with Apache Kafka both from the command line and through programmatic access using Java. Attendees will get a full appreciation of publish/subscribe idiom for asynchronous communication. The course producers and consumers and reliable data delivery. Attendees will get a full appreciation of how to build data pipelines and how they can process streaming data.

Kafka is an event streaming platform. Businesses and organisations often must capture data in real-time from event sources like databases, sensors, mobile devices, cloud services, social media, and software applications in the form of streams of events. They need to store these event streams durably for later retrieval. They also need to manipulate, process, and react to the event streams in real-time as well as retrospectively. The event streams need be made available to different destination technologies as needed. Kafka's event streaming implementation ensures a continuous flow and interpretation of data so that the right information is at the right place, at the right time.

This course is delivered over 2 full days.

Key Information

Course Length
16 hours

Learning Method(s)
Online materials
Online assessment

For Individuals

Cost and Funding Information

Full Cost Price

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  • Install a Kafka broker for development
  • Write Kafka producers and consumers
  • Leverage Kafka features for reliable data delivery
  • Build Kafka data pipelines
  • Receive and process streaming data using Kafka