Foundations of DevOps Training (ICP-FDO Certification)
Course Overview
Plus, pass the post-course exam after your DevOps fundamentals training and earn Certification in Foundations of DevOps (ICP-FDO) from the International Consortium for Agile (ICAgile).
This course is delivered over 3 full days.
Key Information
Course Length
24 hours
Learning Method(s)
Online materials
Online assessment
For Individuals
Cost and Funding Information
Full Cost Price
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- Achieve the ICAgile DevOps Foundation Certification (ICP-FDO)
- Execute Continuous Deployment (CD) by coding sharp deployment pipelines
- Create real-time feedback by configuring continuous integration and building automation tools
- Optimise operations by leveraging virtualisation, containers, and cloud technologies
- Use a Lean toolkit to foster the ultimate DevOps culture